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This Shopping calculator will help you to shop any product from any retail store like amazon eBay Walmart and many more .

all you do is to insert requested details like product link , product price (amount of a product costing online) weight of the product ( how many kilograms the product you are ordering has? )

lets take an example of this product on amazon: IMPORTANT NOTE: AFTER INSERTING ANYTHING CLICK ASIDE TO GET THE NEXT FIELD ) 

copy and paste the product link in calculator

Paste the link in Calculator as shown below

Paste the cost of this product (949.99) in Calculator


to get the total you have to know the weight of the item you are ordering. for example the weight of this laptop is 5.36 pounds = 2.43kg ( always insert weight in calculator )

Click CALCULATOR to get the total amount you will pay to have to laptop

Once you get the total Click ADD TO CART to complete your order

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